Professional Show No.20: Winners Announced

Best of Show

Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, covers


Edward Kinsella, books
David Plunkert, animation


Andre Carrilho, books
Daniela Tieni, books


Ding Jingwen, animation
Bill Mayer, gallery
Xiaowei Zhang, advertising

Distinguished Merit

Jiang Bo, children’s illustration
Mark Borgions, packaging
Sheya Chen, self-promotion
Emma Clove, unpublished
Tianyun Jiang, animation
Jon Krause, editorial
Yuying Luo, self-promotion
Luc Melanson, comics/sequential
An Ping, children’s illustration
Amanda Shaffer, ephemera
Jennifer N. R. Smith, books
Yue Zhang, self-promotion


Scott Anderson, editorial
Scott Anderson*, gallery
Susie Ang, unpublished
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, books
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, editorial
Rachel Bao, advertising
Janelle Barone, editorial
Gabriella Barouch, self-promotion
Melinda Beck, covers
Melinda Beck*, editorial
Wesley Bedrosian, editorial
Dan Bejar, editorial
Doug Bell, editorial
Ana Bellande, gallery
Carin Berger, books
Alison Berkey, unpublished
Juan Bernabeu*, editorial
Matteo Berton, advertising
Matteo Berton, corporate communications
Brian Biggs, unpublished
Maria Bilinska, books
Christian Ray Blaza, editorial
Giulio Bonasera*, editorial
Richard Borge*, editorial
Richard Borge, self-promotion
Mark Borgions, unpublished
Janette Bornmarker, books
Tim Bouckley, unpublished
Elena Bragina, gallery
Dan Bransfield, editorial
David M. Brinley*, self-promotion
Brian Britigan, animation
Brian Britigan*, editorial
Brian Britigan, posters
Jennifer Bruce, gallery
Nigel Buchanan, editorial
Daniel Bueno*, books
Fabio Buonocore, advertising
Fabio Buonocore*, editorial
Fabio Buonocore, packaging
Iain Burke, gallery
Jamie Busby, posters
Taylor Callery, covers
Taylor Callery, unpublished
Ivan Canu, books
Xinyu Cao, self-promotion
Andre Carrilho, books
Andre Carrilho*, covers
Andre Carrilho*, editorial
Ismael Carrillo, self-promotion
Robert Carter*, editorial
Alberto Casagrande, surface design
Margherita Caspani, self-promotion
Peter Cassell*, self-promotion
Quai Wing Kei Chan, editorial
Kun-I Chang, animation
Huanjun Chen, unpublished
Linzi Chen, self-promotion
Xinyue Chen, books
Tiffany Chin, posters
Sunnu Rebecca Choi, books
Sunnu Rebecca Choi, unpublished
Abanti D. Chowdhury, editorial
Andrea Chronopoulos, editorial
Julien Chung, books
Jamie Ciao, covers
Viktoria Cichon, corporate communications
Shut Up Claudia, surface design
Matt Clough, editorial
Allison Cole, unpublished
Sandra Conejeros, unpublished
David Cooper, editorial
Golden Cosmos, books
Marla Cruz Linares, packaging
Marla Cruz Linares, self-promotion
Hannah Cunningham, gallery
Paolo d'Altan, unpublished
Luca D'Urbino, editorial
Luca D'Urbino, surface design
Doug Dabbs, comics/sequential
Yunyi Dai, self-promotion
Matthew Daley, posters
Owen Davey*, books
Owen Davey, children’s illustration
Robert Decker, unpublished
Piotr Depta-Kleśta, editorial
María Teresa Díaz, unpublished
Allen Douglas*, gallery
Sally Edelstein, unpublished
Mona & Michael Eing & Meissner, unpublished
Eitan Eloa, children’s illustration
Yuan Fang, self-promotion
Bill Ferenc, unpublished
John Ferry*, gallery
Guillermo Flores, covers
Irena Freitas*, books
Martin French, packaging
Niyati Froind, children’s illustration
Echo Fu, self-promotion
Montse Galbany, editorial
Dingzhe Gan, self-promotion
Tian Gan*, unpublished
Nan Gao, self-promotion
Maria Gabriella Gasparri, books
Maria Gabriella Gasparri, editorial
Serena Gianoli, surface design
Garth Glazier, self-promotion
Garth Glazier*, unpublished
Zsuzsa Goodyer, unpublished
Tyler Grobowsky, advertising
Jing Gu, comics/sequential
Wenqing Gu, children’s illustration
Wenqing Gu, unpublished
Joey Guidone, posters
David Habben, advertising
Samy Halim, editorial
Hao Hao, self-promotion
Renee Hao*, self-promotion
Handowin He, covers
Zhijun He, self-promotion
Katie Hearns, posters
Olivier Heiligers, editorial
Lars Henkel, unpublished
Jeff Hinchee, editorial
Mark Hoffmann*, children’s illustration
Margot Holtman, children’s illustration
Runlan Hong, posters
Arne Höpfner, editorial
Szu-Yu Hou, animation
Katty Huertas, covers
IC4Design, advertising
Sergey Isakov, editorial
Alice Iuri, covers
Natalia Jabłońska, books
Michael Iver Jacobsen, self-promotion
Steve James, self-promotion
Phillip Janta, children’s illustration
Phillip Janta*, posters
Sophia Ji, self-promotion
Zhaoyan Jiang, comics/sequential
Joanne Joo, self-promotion
Luisa Jung, editorial
Jaye Kang, advertising
Susan Kao, editorial
Igor Karash, comics/sequential
Dima Kashtalyan, editorial
Satu Kettunen, posters
Essi Kimpimäki, editorial
Edward Kinsella, advertising
Sophia Kiuchi, unpublished
Aleksandra Nina Knezevic, books
Viktor Koen, gallery
Ben Konkol, unpublished
Bartosz Kosowski, editorial
Marie Lafrance, self-promotion
Joy Lam, self-promotion
Shannon Jahnel Lanktree, animation
Aaron Lawrance, comics/sequential
Lucas León*, unpublished
Po Yan Leung, gallery
Yueming Li, unpublished
Yuke Li, comics/sequential
Yuke Li, murals
Zishuang Li, self-promotion
Hanghui Lian, children’s illustration
Zihan Lin, children’s illustration
Xuan Liu, self-promotion
LiuPeiPei, children’s illustration
Tyler Miles Lockett, unpublished
Tatum Lorway, self-promotion
Luo Kai Lu, self-promotion
Gémeo Luis, self-promotion
Jason Lyon, editorial
Fangyu Ma, self-promotion
Cora Marinoff, self-promotion
Miriam Martincic, corporate communications
Miriam Martincic*, editorial
Miriam Martincic, unpublished
Vitor Matos, books
Sarah Matuszewski, editorial
Bill Mayer*, editorial
Bill Mayer*, gallery
Bill Mayer, packaging
Bill Mayer, unpublished
Luc Melanson, editorial
Miniwang, unpublished
Carlos Miranda, editorial
Andrea Mongia, corporate communications
Joe Morse*, unpublished
Ashlyn Mundy, murals
Manica K. Musil, books
Muti, ephemera
Laszlo Nagy, posters
Yiting Nan, animation
Yiting Nan, self-promotion
Josie Norton, editorial
Gustaf Öhrnell Hjalmars, advertising
Chuan Ming Ong, editorial
Kriss Paiva, unpublished
John Parra, books
Richard Pellegrino, self-promotion
Valeria Petrone, gallery
Anton Petrov, books
David Plunkert, covers
David Plunkert, murals
David Plunkert*, posters
Giordano Poloni, covers
Giordano Poloni, gallery
Giordano Poloni, unpublished
Katerina Polyakova, ephemera
Andy Potts, animation
Charlie Powell*, self-promotion
Petra Preželj, books
Fatinha Ramos, books
Fatinha Ramos, murals
Kiuyan Ran, advertising
Kiuyan Ran, corporate communications
Eva Redamonti, editorial
Caroline Ren, unpublished
Connie Resch, packaging
Zack Rock, covers
Zack Rock, unpublished
Ruan Ruan, editorial
Glenda Sburelin, children’s illustration
Nikki Scioscia, books
Amanda Shaffer, ephemera
Simon Shaw, self-promotion
Songran Shi, self-promotion
Wenyang Shi, self-promotion
Yue Shi, unpublished
Zhenyuan Shi, gallery
Rie Shimada*, self-promotion
Ilya Shkipin, posters
Steve Simpson, editorial
Chris Smith, editorial
Jennifer N. R. Smith, books
Jennifer N. R. Smith, covers
Mark Smith*, editorial
Steven Song, unpublished
Xinyue Song, self-promotion
Metin Sozen*, self-promotion
Alenka Spacal*, books
Lorena Spurio, unpublished
Ard Su, unpublished
Zilong Su, packaging
Wonil Suh, self-promotion
Yiting Sun, books
Yuan Sun, self-promotion
Tanja Szekessy, gallery
Steven Tabbutt, unpublished
Yilun Tang, self-promotion
Yuanhao Tang, self-promotion
Zhiwen (Esther) Tang, editorial
Hikaru Tekawa, self-promotion
Niv Tishbi, murals
John Tomac, unpublished
Giulia Tomai, books
Ori Toor, covers
Ciro Trezzi, surface design
Sara Tyson, advertising
Sara Tyson, covers
Sara Tyson, editorial
Signe-Lill Valkvæ, covers
Steven Van Hasten, books
Steven Van Hasten, editorial
Steven Van Hasten, posters
João Vaz de Carvalho, children’s illustration
Vindorich, self-promotion
Jay Vollmar, editorial
Laura Wächter*, editorial
Cara Wang, self-promotion
Jiajue Wang, unpublished
Yanqi Wang, unpublished
Ye Shuang Wang, posters
Zhen Wang, children’s illustration
Michael Waraksa, unpublished
Tiffany Wei, unpublished
Anne Wenkel, comics/sequential
Wflemming*, editorial
Stano Xie, editorial
Stano Xie, self-promotion
Key Xin, unpublished
Tania Yakunova, editorial
Tania Yakunova, gallery
Tania Yakunova, unpublished
Jiahuiyi Yan, corporate communications
Dawn Xintong Yang, unpublished
Elissa Yang, self-promotion
Fuliu Yang, children’s illustration
Fuliu Yang, unpublished
Qinlin Yang, self-promotion
Qinyi Yang, self-promotion
Yang Yang, self-promotion
Zhiyu You, self-promotion
Zhiyu You, unpublished
Tongtong Yu*, children’s illustration
Ya-Hui Yu, children’s illustration
Ao Zhang*, self-promotion
Danlin Zhang, editorial
Lingxiao Zhang, books
Shaowen Zhang, unpublished
Xinyue Zhang, books
Yuda Zhang, unpublished
Yazhi Zheng*, self-promotion
Lianxi Zhou, editorial
Yuanyuan Zhou, books
Francesco Zorzi, murals
Changyu Zou*, editorial

Honorable Mention

Gert Albrecht, self-promotion
Grace Aldrich, books
Grace Aldrich, gallery
Anat Axelrod, gallery
Flora Bai, books
Blagovesta Bakardjieva, covers
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, editorial
Reza Bassiri, editorial
Melinda Beck, editorial
Wesley Bedrosian, editorial
Mary Jane Begin, unpublished
Fanny Berthiaume, children’s illustration
Dominic Bodden, corporate communications
Brian Britigan, editorial
Daniel Bueno, covers
Marine Buffard, editorial
Dominic Bugatto, editorial
Iain Burke, ephemera
Andre Carrilho, posters
Ismael Carrillo, self-promotion
Ian I Chan, ephemera
Kun-I Chang, self-promotion
Jiawen Chen, editorial
Shenglin Chen, books
Zhiying Chen, unpublished
Emma Cheng, corporate communications
Michael Cheung, unpublished
Emily Chu, advertising
Anne Cote, murals
Benedetto Cristofani, posters
Christopher Cruz*, unpublished
Luca D'Urbino, editorial
Luca D'Urbino, posters
Yiyao Da, self-promotion
David Dean, covers
Mengying Duan, editorial
Gee Fan Eng, gallery
Justyna Frackiewicz, covers
Shirley Gong, advertising
Shirley Gong, covers
Yuxiang Gong, unpublished
James Grover, unpublished
Tianyang Guan, self-promotion
Alexandria Hall*, editorial
Kanghai He, posters
Jeff Hinchee, editorial
Mark Hoffmann, children’s illustration
Runlan Hong, unpublished
Matt Hood, books
Dwayne Huang, packaging
Yujie Huang, advertising
Yujie Huang, children’s illustration
Katty Huertas, editorial
Natalia Jabłońska, self-promotion
Phoebe Jang, children’s illustration
Ding Jingwen, books
Angie Kang*, comics/sequential
Akina Kawata, gallery
Sebastian König, editorial
Bartosz Kosowski*, posters
Przemek Kotynski, posters
Jon Krause, editorial
Parthena Kyriakides, unpublished
Marie Lafrance, self-promotion
lanyanli&taojingwen, children’s illustration
Chia-Ying Lee, self-promotion
Keith Alexander Lee*, self-promotion
Mikki Lee, unpublished
Jess Lemon, self-promotion
Mengyuan Li, books
Chen Hung Liao, books
Jessie Lin, editorial
Ren Lindroos, ephemera
Stephish Liu, self-promotion
Xuan Liu, editorial
Yifan Liu, unpublished
Jenn Liv, advertising
Tatum Lorway, self-promotion
Daniel Lupu, unpublished
Mike Mahle, unpublished
Mary Maka, gallery
Miriam Martincic, editorial
Miriam Martincic, unpublished
Braden Maxwell, editorial
Bill Mayer, editorial
Mauro Mazzara, unpublished
Or Menaged, covers
Alex Eben Meyer, unpublished
Miniwang, unpublished
Momoshou, advertising
Hanyu Mu, unpublished
Anja Nolte, gallery
Ziva Otta, unpublished
Alix Pentecost-Farren, self-promotion
Giordano Poloni, self-promotion
Charlie Powell, self-promotion
Javier Puyou, advertising
Liliya Rattari, editorial
Emilia Rittenbach, unpublished
Anthony Russo, editorial
Yu Sang, unpublished
Irmela Schautz, books
Metin Sozen, unpublished
Ard Su, editorial
Chaojie Sui, self-promotion
Mengying Sun, self-promotion
Mengying Sun, unpublished
Jun Qi Tan, books
Zhiwen (Esther) Tang, children’s illustration
Hikaru Tekawa*, self-promotion
Katie Thomas, editorial
Niv Tishbi, murals
Mike Tofanelli, unpublished
Jay Torres, self-promotion
Jay Vollmar, posters
Elizabeth Wakou, unpublished
Yaoting Wang, children’s illustration
Weston Wei, ephemera
Noam Weiner, covers
Anne Wenkel, advertising
Chen Wu, self-promotion
Da Wu, children’s illustration
Chiara Xie, self-promotion
Monique Xu, comics/sequential
Rong Xu*, self-promotion
Maki Yamaguchi, self-promotion
Qinyi Yang, self-promotion
Dan Yao, children’s illustration
Yashin Yeh, advertising
Zhou You, children’s illustration
Julia Zavtur, self-promotion
Danlin Zhang, editorial
Wen Zhang, ephemera
Yuanyuan Zhou, editorial
Changyu Zou, editorial